Tips to implement for a successful business health practices strategy
Promote regular hand washing
Handwashing is one of the best ways to help protect yourself, your family, and coworkers from getting sick. Experts at the Mayo Clinic point out that hand washing doesn’t take much time or effort, but it certainly offers great rewards in terms of preventing illness.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to help prevent the spread of germs, you should wash your hands often throughout the day and with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the Happy Birthday song from beginning to end, twice! If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to clean your hands.
UniFirst can help you select the right soaps and sanitizers and get you started on a facility services program that also includes hand-free dispensers for an added layer of protection against the spread of germs. By installing these in and around the office, you can make it easy for people to quickly give their hands a quick cleaning before heading out to a meeting or heading out for lunch. We can also set you up with a program that includes hands-free paper towel dispensers and touch free faucets.
Use Surface Disinfectants
It’s also important to keep all commonly used surfaces clean with surface disinfectants. Health studies have shown that cold and flu germs are able to survive on and be transferred from many commonly touched surfaces for up to 48 hours. Some of the surfaces are obvious, like door handles, phones, and computer keyboards. But others tend to be less apparent, like elevator buttons, cafeteria tables, and debit card keypads.
If your business is using ready to use facility cleaning solutions, cleaning solutions concentrates, or a top off solution dispensing service, then you may want to switch to UniFirst’s Cleaning Solution Dispensing Service to save money on the most commonly used cleaning supplies for your facility. Compared to purchasing ready to use, you may be able to save 90% or more. With our usage-based refill deliveries, we manage the program for you, and you’re only charged for the amount that you use, which adds up to significant cost and time savings.
Don’t wait for the office bug to invade your workplace. Contact UniFirst today, and we’ll get you started on a needs analysis right away and have your facilty services program up and running quickly and easily with our 4-step system backed by our unparalleled service program. Our Route Service Representatives (RSR) can bring these supplies—and more—right to your door with your regular delivery of uniforms.